Why so serious?: Joker from “The Dark Knight.”

Excellent question: Is being serious the best response to issues?

Jesse Wright
4 min readSep 30, 2022
Photo by Rod Long on Unsplash

There are many severe issues in the world today. Take your pick. Is being serious the best response to those issues? For both changing the issues and your health and outlook? I think not.

Your mental balance

Fretting about issues can decrease your mental health. Don’t focus on your own life or what you can do right now. You can waste your time trying to keep track of too many issues.

If you cannot change the situation, ignore it. Contribute if you can. You cannot contribute to every issue, so pick your topic and work on it. Do what you can. Vote.

I give a little money (on fixed income) and write articles.

My issue is freedom of speech, specifically, book censorship or removal of books from libraries. So I follow the news and give money to libraries in trouble. Libraries were, and are, an essential part of my life.

Some dedicated people are working full time on every issue to address the problem. If you want to make that your life, you can join them. However, I assume you are like most of us and have a life outside a cause.



Jesse Wright

Learning to be a writer. Ex-Grey beard programmer, now retired. Extensive wide ranging reader. Proud Democrat and Liberal and Atheist. Bipolar but Medicated.